Assouline is like no other luxury company. Using the power of publication as their "medium," Assouline has racked up and impressive collection of luxury books, prints, photographs dedicated to the higher end of things. These Goyard Trunks for Assouline are just further example of their reach. "This custom-made trunk was created in collaboration with the famous French craftsman Goyard specially for Assouline. Each trunk houses 100 of Assouline’s signature Memoire photo-biographies on art, fashion, design and architecture, making it the ultimate in chic." Available in either black or white for 20000$US.
oh wow....these are really's weird,they almost look u know what i mean.
very classy indeed
i like the white one.....
so sick.
I like the black one
Lupe should work with them and create his own line.
Those are some bad ass trunks, the white one is really calling my name
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