When we shot that short film with Spike Jonze and the GIRL crew I got to meet a couple of the guys who happened to be childhood heroes of mine. Mike Carroll was one of those guys, and he told me he was gonna hook me up with some product...

So my doorbell rings, and see the UPS guy with this box with
Podium tape all over it. And I'm thinking, "Oooohhhhh Shhh!!!!ttt". Some skaters will wait their whole lives and never get 1 of these boxes in the mail. A childhood dream realized...

So, I cracked that boy open and it was all Samples in there... YES!!!
Coda HiThanks Mike!
in Napoleon's voice
i like the red ones
mmmmm sexy shit
The Coda HI.. COol dude..
I like!!!
Yeah the red ones are official! Tell them to send me a pair I will rock them until the soles fall off!! haha
that sick,your blessed... iwaish i could get product from rick howard and mike carroll,its kindof wierd knowin that i just got done watch mike mo's part in fully flared...
omg so yummy... love the green n red ones
this is sick..
hope to get the red one..
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